Getting Kicked Off of Dancing With the Stars Turns People into Rapists of the Day

I wasn’t going to bother writing about this because I don’t give a fuck about sports, ex athletes turned drug addicts turned Dancing with the Stars contestents turned child rapists. But then I figured I could try to use my huge influence on America and somehow spin this story into directing the blame on Dancing with the Stars so that they get arrested for raping a 15 year old, so that they get shut the fuck down and all the bottom feeding trash stop using them as a desperate attempt to get their useless, failed asses on a hugely successful show…hoping for a revival of sorts…I mean except for Lawrence Taylor who went to rape a 15 year old in a fucking hotel like an idiot who if he just came up to Canada could have got away with the shit since 14 is legal and french chicks are fucking whores who know their pussies are made for fucking at a young age…but instead decided to do it where it’s illegal with a girl who obviously wants to cash in because at 15 they are smart enough to monetize on the shit knowing the world will take their side…I know how this shit works all too well and that’s why I always advise people to stick with raping girls who are over 18…who are down on their luck and who have little self-worth but do have a hugely damaged soul that hasn’t left them bright eyed and aware about how they are going to make this make them famous, but instead just take it cuz they think they deserve it….if you know what I mean.

Getting Kicked Off of Dancing With the Stars Turns People into Rapists of the Day May 6th, 2010