Tila Tequila Isn’t Dead Yet of the Day

Tila Tequila bores me. She tries so fucking hard to get noticed, but is so fucking obvious that it’s dull and almost irritating. The only thing she could do to get my attention or make me think she’s got talent is if she staged a live “giving birth” show where she got herself in stirrups and various grown men crawl out of her whore pussy, but until then, she’s just struggling with bottom feeding and holding onto the little fame she has, despite not really having a talent or skill, or any reason for having the little fame that she has, unless you consider breast implants a talent, but I don’t….

Sure her fall from her peak is funny to watch, but irritating to listen to, no matter how “sexed up” her old Vietnamese ladyboy prostitute ass tries to be….there’s so many younger and hotter versions of her who haven’t lost their fucking minds as the public lost interest in her….despite the fact that she even had anyone’s interest was a fucking miracle to begin with, but that probably doesn’t cross Tila’s mind, she’s just been eating up and spat out by hollywood like a child star and has no where else to go, but suicide.

Pics via Bauer

Tila Tequila Isn’t Dead Yet of the Day May 7th, 2010