Kim Kardashian’s Tits for Bieber of the Day

I am pretty hungover cuz I went out drinking, got attacked with pepper spray and not even for trying to rape and rob a bitch of both her innocence and her purse. I spent the night soaking in milk, but unfortunately, we only had expired milk, making the whole experience way fucking shitter.

Speaking of shitty, here is shit colored public toilet Kim Kardashian on the beach with Justin Bieber….obviously a shitty publicity stunt for two people who have one thing in common, that thing being that they wish they are black, make that two things…because they also are both famous for reasons that are seriously beyond me.

This is supposed to be her nipple, all I see is some lumpy shit, that could be from back implants, or maybe just from having bad tits, cuz with every fat bitch come lumps of shit you can’t explain in various parts of her body….

Let me know if you can figure out where the nipple is, cuz I’m really not seeing it.

To See the Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link


Kim Kardashian’s Tits for Bieber of the Day June 14th, 2010