Paris Hilton Bikini Yacht Jump of the Day

I am sure I am not the first to say this about these pictures…but seriously….why couldn’t this panned out a little differently.

You see, it doesn’t happen very often, but there are times that I look at my computer and wish that I was a shark, and these pictures are one of those times, because there would have been no better ending to this story, if the useless spoiled self involved cunt who has been trying to make a useless cunt comeback, despite being old and boring…..the kind of pussy so broken you take it out back and shoot it in front of the kids so they know what to avoid when they grow old and get faced with pussy of their own…jumped right into razor sharp, hungry, predatorial teeth to shut her up for once and for all…

Unfortunately that didn’t happen….but here she is on her latest publicity stunt of topless tanning and bikinis…cuz it is all she knows…and hopefully motivation for her to expands her skillset cuz it already looks awkward at 30…just imagine when she’s pushing 80….ideally an age she never hits cuz I’d rather her die on her way home from this trip…but you know how rich people are…they live for fucking ever….

Pics via Bauer

Paris Hilton Bikini Yacht Jump of the Day July 23rd, 2010