Tara Reid’s Amazing Deflated Ass Flash of the Day

In the event you haven’t been paying attention, which I assume is the case, since if you’re reading this, this is your first time to my site, but I have been documenting this Tara Reid St Tropez comeback, since I haven’t seen anything from her in a long fucking time and got excited, because drunken crackhead looking pussy is my favorite, especially when it has spent the last decade on an endless Springbreak pool party like some kind of horrible frat boy written movie that ends with an attack from zombies in bikinis, flesh peeling from their once hot bodies…like they are slowly melting and deflating into a corpse that eats pills and stale beer…staring Tara Reid as the main character…but instead it’s just real life…

Tara Reid’s Amazing Deflated Ass Flash of the Day July 28th, 2010