stepNEWS of the Day

Here is some shit going on in the news to inspire you to do stupid things to get noticed cuz it works….

Drunk, Pregnant Woman Tries to Rob Taco John’s with Hammer in Wisconsin

Ovulating Women Buy Sexier Clothes

A study shows that ovulating women buy sexier outfits to look more attractive than other women.

Caught on Tape: Man in China Jumps In Front of Train in Hope of Internet Fame

A Chinese man hopped on train track while taping himself to make a viral video and become famous

911 Call from Base Jumper Stuck on Mountain Side

A man had to hang 600 feet overnight after

Former Miss USA Accused of Shoplifting

Shannon Marketic was accused of shoplifting from a Target store when she walked out after purchasing her items. She says it was an honest mistake, while store security says they were just doing their job.

Baby Hitler Parents Lose Custody Case

A New Jersey appeals court says a couple who named one of their children after Adolf Hitler should not regain custody of their three children.

Arkansas Residents Warned Not to Skin Wild Hogs in Heat, Weather Guy Upset

Man Fights w/ Neighbors over Underwear Display in NC

Clyde’s underwear display is getting mixed reaction in downtown Salisbury, North Carolina. He’s the owner of “Off Main Gallery” and an artist. About a week ago, he duct taped a pair of men’s underwear to the front of his shop. Clyde says he did it because he didn’t like his neighbor and says she’s not a big fan of his either.

Vanessa Marcil: I Get Cold Sores (Tells the world she has oral herpes)

Vanessa Marcil lets Wendy Williams know that she gets cold sores and the mistake that led to meeting her husband

stepNEWS of the Day August 6th, 2010