Bar Refaeli Tits with Leo of the Day

Bar Refaeli is one of the hotter girls in the world. She’s the kind of hot girl who I humor myself by talking to fake profiles pretending to be her on twitter and facebook, you know to make me feel like she’s into me, even though I know it isn’t her….She is the reason I masturbate to memories of a Jewish girl I once got with…she wasn’t quite as put together as Bar Refaeli, if anything she happened to be very fucking disgusting…like a hairy little troll that has nothing to do with her religion, but everything to do with the good Jewish girls being too busy getting with respectable people…so I was stuck with this bitch wh was so hairy that her vagina was like a pillow in her panties, her face like an accidenteed Sarah Jessica Parker and her mustache made for a perfect place to cum, since it held my orgasm there better than hairless skin, kinda like putting sand on an icy step…

So here is Bar Refaeli properly representing Israel and her tits with her longterm boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio at a party I wasn’t invited to because I was too busy with my fist up my wife’s ass and pussy, it’s her new thing…cuz it is the only way she feels anything….while I remain more and more dead on the inside with every thrust….

Bar Refaeli Tits with Leo of the Day August 9th, 2010