Montana Fishburne Porn Exclusive of the Day

I was sent this exclusive clip of Montana Fisburne’s Porn Tape everyone is talking about, cuz I am the best site on the internet nobody reads….

The sad truth is that this bitch coulda been a 300 pound hermaphrodite with a rash, acne scars and herpes scabs and this porn woulda still been worth jerking off to.

The complexity of what is happening in this is just too much for me to even grasp. It’s like my pornstars are usually poor rape victims from broken homes/trailer parks and not the daughter of some dude we’ve all seen in movies. It’s like celebrity babies gone wild….

The reason this is so hot, whether this bitch is hot or not, whether you are a racist and think cross breeding is the devil’s work or not, whether seeing Laurence Fishburne with ladyparts is something you’re into or not, is not because it’s some white on black standard porn, it goes deeper than that because she doesn’t have to be doing this. She coulda gone to school, lived off her dad’s money…she coulda got him to pay for a record deal, or a movie deal, or anything…but instead she decided to rebel in a way far more fun than neck tattoos and drug charges….

It’s like when my rich friend asked her dad for 1000 dollars for a coat and he said no so she told him she was gonna strip to scare him into giving her the 1000 dollars….only she never had any plan on stripping…she just said it cuz her dad was easy to manipulate…only this chick did it and instead of stripping, she did porn…..

Now I’ve heard of rich sluts filling the void with dick…but I’ve never seen it in video….especailly not produced porn video….and I think this is gonna inspire a whole lot of unexpected talent in a whole new career path that involves seeing them get fucked…

My dream that one day everyone will have a sex tape for me to jerk off to is slowly coming true…one sex tape at a time…now if only the girl who works at my local pharmacy got up on this…buying hemorrhoid meds would be far more entertaining….

So watch the clip. She is 19 was arrested for prostitution last year…clearly she likes to fuck and knows her worth as a creature with a vagina….and let her inspire, influence and mentor more 19 year olds who haven’t seen the light yet….I’m drunk.

To See The Video, Buy The Video, Find Out More on This Amazingness – Follow This Link


Montana Fishburne Porn Exclusive of the Day August 10th, 2010