Ashley Tisdale Hides her Ugly Face of the Day

If you read the site, you will know that after seeing Ashley Tisdale smiling at last year’s teen choice awards, for winning best female performer, or something equally paid off for and stupid sounding, I felt a need to prove the world that she’s not the best at anything, and put her in her ugly girl place, cuz there’s one thing I hate in the world, and that’s ugly chicks who think they are hot…

So we’ve established in our “Ugly Watch” that she’s got a busted up face, despite the plastic surgery, she looks seriously inbred….I know we’ve succeeded cuz she’s covering the fuck up now, so no one can be tainted by her disgustingness and so everyone can focus on her body, something she works really hard to maintain, but despite all her efforts leaves her with a boring looking ass…

I won’t be happy til Tisdale is too scared to leave her house. So the ugly watch continues….

Ashley Tisdale Hides her Ugly Face of the Day August 20th, 2010