Audrina in Tights for Dancing with the Stars of the Day

I didn’t realize that Audrina was on Dancing with the Stars, but I guess it makes sense that she’s been thrown into “Has-Been” status, before she even really started, because the caliber show she was on, just wasn’t high enough to warrant other shows or movie roles, unless it involved accepting your fate as a fucking loser, getting half naked, and dancing around a stage humiliating yourself amongst other fucking losers, competing for a title that really means nothing, all because you’re addicted to having the cameras on you….

But as a hypocrite, I gotta admit, any excuse to get any girls, famous or not, moving around in tight clothes or half naked, is good TV, even if it is just a strategy to get more viewers, or to get husbands to watch with their wives, not that I’d ever lower myself to watch the shit, but I have no problem accepting the fact that you do, or posting pics of the shit, even if the shit happens to be a cunt who represents everything I fucking hate in the world…

I just think it’s nice that she’s accepted the end of her career….so early on in it…since she never quite had a career, but did have more of a lottery ticket fluke that set her up for life…

To Balance things out – Here’s Bristol Palin, another winner in life offered the opportunity to be on Dancing with the Stars, showing off her cellulite ridden legs….AWESOME…

Audrina in Tights for Dancing with the Stars of the Day September 6th, 2010