Anna Kournikova in a Bikini for Maxim of the Day


I didn’t get into the VMAs because no one was willing to help me because I am insignificant. I did almost die on my hitched ride home at 2 am because I didn’t really have the chance to interview the motherfuckers for sanity or to do a background check on them to see if they had a criminal record when I met them in a bar at they offered me a lift home……

Anna Kournikova did get into a bikini for Maxim, because Maxim will feature anyone because they are insignificant and holding on by a thread because they almost died or are dying thanks to the internet…..

I’ve heard people still have a thing for her….10 years too late…but they still can’t ignore that lust they once felt, so maybe Maxim isn’t all about has-beens and bottom feeders looking for attention, like the magazine version of Dancing with the Stars, but more about bitches who have fans that will never give up on them….because they are obsessive and weird…

It really doesn’t fucking matter….who fucking cares…here is the picture….


Anna Kournikova in a Bikini for Maxim of the Day February 13th, 2013