Coco’s Got a Sister of the Day

I guess it would only make sense that Coco’s sister would be as ridiculous as her, I mean when you come from the same broken home where your daddy makes you sit on his lap nude every night before bed, you kinda develop the same level of morals and values, and when one of you succeeds for being a trashcan prostitute, the other takes the lead on the shit and tries to get a rapper to hire her as a wife too, so that the world can stare at her stupid fat ass her white trash daddy probably fucked and wonder if it’s fat or ass implants…Girls like this irritate me…but broken homes are like porn to me…leaving me torn and confused….here are the sisters posing together like daddy used to make them pose growing up….and people say molesting kids is bad…without molesting we wouldn’t have porn, sluts, or the girls you all love….

Coco’s Got a Sister of the Day September 17th, 2010