Rachel Bilson’s Showing Off Ass of the Day

I have ranted about how Rachel Bilson being single is the best thing that has ever happened to her, since the oppressive loser who sold his soul and career to Star Wars can’t brain wash her anymore and she can reverse the damage done, cuz she’s not too old to jump into the celeb game as seductive paparazzi manipulating pussy, so we haven’t entirely lost her….

I have also been the strippers so many times in my life, that I know their move to pick up something their purse at the end of the routine, it’s like the first lesson in the stripper’s manual I wrote 10 years ago and never published cuz I realized you only need to know 4 things to be a stripper, the way they bend over being one of those for things….It’s to make ass and pussy look ideal, and I can tell you that if Rachel Bilson says she isn’t pulling the same move on purpose, like this wasn’t strategized for the cameras, to get noticed, she’s fucking lying…

So here she is in shorts, bulling the stripper move, so people talk about her “innocent” ass hustle, which I guess is more subtle and fun than her being obvious about the shit….even if I like spread naked ass cheeks better than ass cheeks hiding in shorts…but I guess this isn’t about me…

Rachel Bilson’s Showing Off Ass of the Day September 27th, 2010