Ashley Greene in a Solid Publicity Stunt of the Day

From Twilight to movies with Miley Cyrus to the Jonas Brothers, this twat knows what to attach herself to to get buzz, just go for the two biggest and overhyped things 15 year old girls are masturbating to, because that way she doesn’t have to get naked for anyone but Joe Jonas, provided he’s not gay and just frotning’ to get press too….So that she can continue to be boring as fuck as she walks around fully clothed not giving me boners, even when her vagina is eager as it tries to eat her thick denim jeans…

I hate this bitch, she fucking sucks and I hate you and all your 15 year old friends and family who make her think she’s got staying power…puttin her in this lazy, stagnant, plateau of boring…

This is some serious fake love…let’s just hope the end comes up faster than she realizes, leaving her with roles that require her naked, cuz I’m ready for her to redeem herself with nudity, trying to get back to where she once was….cuz wherever she’s at now makes me wanna take a nap…

Ashley Greene in a Solid Publicity Stunt of the Day September 29th, 2010