Mark Zuckerberg Billonaire Gets Shitty Pussy of the Day

You’d think Mark Zuckerberg would use his 25 percent of 25 billion dollar Facebook or at least take advantage of the fact that he can log into anyone’s account and read all their messages, and see all their pictures, and use his robot skills to behavioral target ideal pussy worth fucking, but instead he ended up with this weird Asian shit that looks like he dragged her out of his special olympic Asperger’s group therapy session…and I guess who really cares, cuz when dude has 6 billion dollars at the age of 27 or whatever the fuck age he is, no social skills, his virginity and a robot brain that lead to no friends or pussy growing up, any pussy that gives him the time of day is good pussy..even if he could get any pussy he wanted but the pussy he chose looks like this…and as logical a dude he is…that just makes no fucking sense…

I know he probably thinks he owns the world and he pretty much does but I’m ready for something new to step in a replace it like it was Myspace. They’ve deleted my profile 4 times and I think it’s time for the world to stop using them and making assholes like this who don’t even use the money we make him for good sex….that pisses me off.

Mark Zuckerberg Billonaire Gets Shitty Pussy of the Day October 18th, 2010