I used to work in a drug store stocking shelves for a little while a few years ago…I needed the money and to be reminded that I am not a fucking human as hot chicks would ask me for enemas, actual douches, laxatives and other shit you know they wouldn’t as a guy they wanted to fuck for….but along with the hot chicks came countless insane people…either coming in for their methodone treatment or because they had little else to do but wander the aisles….asking me crazy questions about where to find crazy products…or striking up crazy conversation about the government spying on us or how aliens are coming to get us, or how Jesus hates whores and people who fuck whores…to pissing themselves in the diaper section…it was just always crazy every fucking day…..and for some reason they were always dressed like Rihanna is dressed in these pictures…floral dress, crazy shoes with crazy socks and crazy hair…so either Rihanna has lost her mind and is going the route of the woman who was building a lead suit to fight of radiation…or she’s desperate for attention can a new album dropped…and really both cases are equally uninteresting….and I wish shit just ended with her getting deported back to Barbados to leave us all the fuck alone….