Miley Cyrus Offends World Religions of the Day

I don’t think Miley was at Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s publicity stunt, what must have been a joke cuz it was a traditional Hindu wedding in India and both of them aren’t Hindu, this past weekend, I just think she equally has no respect for other faiths, because she’s a trashy self involved redneck celebrity, and that’s kinda what they do…

They have a lot of money and they just think they are allowed to mock anything, or make anything their own because they are rich and they can get away with it… because people are more excited they got married, what they were wearing and who was there than the context of their obnoxious marriage…

This would have really only been acceptable of this born again pig of a woman and her bullshit “comedian” of a boyfriend who is a bullshit ex heroin addice and bullshit ex sex addict because that bullshit helped launched his career were actually going through a drug induced revelation for this ill-decision, but they are too boring and obvious for that and I guess so is Miley….

On a much more critical sidenote, I just woke up and was dreaming of girls from High School…just not girls who went to highschool cuz they are all married and gross now…

Hello Day. Let’s hope my site works.

Miley Cyrus Offends World Religions of the Day October 25th, 2010