Courtney Cox Hot Old Lady Ass in a White Bikini of the Day

I was out wandering the streets most of the day. It’s pretty amazing what kind of other lowlives you can meet if you put yourself out there. Whether it was some toothless dude I call Jim, or some fake British dude who was preaching about his Oxford education despite smelling like raw sewage, or a guy from Iran who pretended he was Andre Agassi’s brother, with one solid thing in common, a love for booze and talkin’ about pussy….

So I may have been a little slow on addressing these Courtney Cox recently divorced and lookin’ for new cock in a white bikini to draw more attention to her recently divorced self, all while her face awkwardly botoxed and morphed into Teri Hatcher.

Luckily for her, older ladies are my fetish for the day, especially when half naked, even if they spent the majority of their adult life fucking a clown.

To See the Rest of the Pictures – Follow This Link


Courtney Cox Hot Old Lady Ass in a White Bikini of the Day November 1st, 2010