Kim Kardashian With a Pull Sign of the Day

Here is a fat Kim Kardashian at the nail salon getting her nails done and I am only posting these pictures cuz I thought it was funny that it looked like she had a “Pull” sign attached to her back…Sure it’d be funnier if it was a public toilet sign that read “put seat down when done” or “don’t miss the target” a tacky mom put in her bathroom to motivate her kids to stop pissing on the floor, you know cuz Kim Kardashian had a sex tape where a dude pissed on her, but pull works for me…maybe cuz I know that’s what her pants she squeezed into are going through, or maybe cuz I know her belly is trying to pull it’s way out of the harnesses she wears to look like she’s got good shape…and really who cares, I’ve already spent too much time on this…Here’s everyone’s second favorite donkey looking pornstar in denial after that one you saw in that bootleg Tijuana donkey show video…

Kim Kardashian With a Pull Sign of the Day November 3rd, 2010