Lindsay Lohan in Pantyhouse for Old Times of the Day

Lohan was wearing pantyhose and if you’re like me and are down with pantyhose cuz it reminds you of watching your foster mom change in the 80s, then you’ll probably like this. There’s just something magical about the darker toned upper portion of a pantyho’ especially when the panty is on a ho, not that Lohan is actually a prostitute by choice, it’s more of a born and bred into being one by her opportunistic parents, cuz mortgages suck and when you have a handful of kids, losing one to the temptations of success at a young age fueled by ego and emotional emptiness of having no love in her life, knowing you were just a pawn in a grand scheme to give her family a better life, but too self absorbed to care about the greater good of what she did for them, like the ability for them to wear designer clothes…and live in a really big house and not have to actually work…

Either way, I think she’s out of rehab by now, I figure she’s still addicted to drugs, I still love her tit and I don’t know or care about when these pictures are from, I’m just gonna post them anyway.

Lindsay Lohan in Pantyhouse for Old Times of the Day November 8th, 2010