Angela Simmons is Still in a Bathing Suit of the Day

I know that Angela Simmons may not be as authentic of a black girl as Precious, you know with that whole being raised fucking rich in a white suburb, when not chillin’ at your mansion on Miami thanks to daddy’s hip hop career and uncle Russell’s adult lisp that inspired him to make big moves cuz it was the only way he was gonna get laid….which means that she’s the kind of black girl you white folk can get with and not be intimidated by because they get you…you know the Halle Berry style that is pretty much like dating some jappy bitch from a private school only with some hair you can’t get wet or it’ll turn into a gremlin….

I like all black girls I know. They are just cool. But the girls I know are pretty gutter and haven’t quite been assimilated into a darker shade of white…but that doesn’t mean I still wouldn’t teach Run DMC’s kid what working a cotton field was like with my dick. You only think that’s racist cuz you’re racist…I’m just making cultural and historical references assholes.

Here she is in a bikini/bathing suit cuz I like bikinis/bathing suits.

Angela Simmons is Still in a Bathing Suit of the Day November 11th, 2010