Tilda Swinton’s Nasty Tits in Some Movie of the Day

Here is Tilda Swinton’s sex scene from some movie I am sure you won’t see called “I am Love”….based on the clip it should have been named “I am disgusting”…..mainly because I am disgusted by Tilda Swinton. I don’t know what it is about her but she’s repulses me. Just her face makes me fucking want to throw up….

I saw her win the academy award a while back and couldn’t figure out how the fuck she even made it in a move as someone who wasn’t playing a creepy school bus driver child molester or someone they dress up in a mask to play the evil villain….So the fact that someone cast her to have a sex scene is beyond me….but figured since I hate you, what better post to leave you while I take a minute to myself to reflect on the world in which we live…over some whiskey….

I just hope I don’t die at whatever I’m going to do away from this computer out there in the scary world. cuz I’d hate this to be the last DrunkenStepfather post of all time…especially since I just launched the stepTOYSTORE ….I had big plans so I’ll try not to jump in front of that train.

As a bonus here’s some bitch named Julia Primus’ tit in some movie you’ll never see called Same Same but Different cuz I downloaded it and am not gonna bother making a post about it….

Tilda Swinton’s Nasty Tits in Some Movie of the Day November 12th, 2010