Kesha is Fucking Disgusting of the Day

I like to pretend people like Kesha don’t exist…..she’s a fucking try-hard idiot. She’s trying hard at everything. From her shitty lyrics to her talentless hack skill set that doesn’t deserve the fame or money her BFF Katy Perry gave her, to her outfit and writing on herself that I am convinced she thought out every scribble because that’s just what try hards do….and apparently they also make facial expressions that make you think she’s trying hard to take a shit, which is so appropriate, because based on her album, her perfomance and her body, she pretty much is…right on that stage in front of her audience and pretty much wherever she take her disgusting self….

I am only posting this cuz she’s not wearing pants, even though she should be.

She is disgusting and she shouldn’t exist. Enjoy you fucking weirdos.

Kesha is Fucking Disgusting of the Day November 8th, 2012