Avril Lavigne Bikini Pictures of the Day

I don’t know what point try-hard becomes authentic because I figured if you do it long enough, you know the teenage angst thing, with the pink streak in your hair and the fuck tattoo under your tit long enough, you eventually become that person you’ve always wanted to be, cuz no one rememebers the socially awkward white Canadian trash singing Shania Twain songs to launch a career, but I do know that Avril Lavigne’s still not quite there, and maybe that’s only because I don’t find the whole 15 and angry, fighting with her parents, emo punk scene kid shit hot, especially not on a 30 year old,

Don’t get me wrong, I’m more into my 30 year olds having the mental capacity of 15 year olds, just not down with their fashion sense, except when it is slutty and pantyless, which does happen….

Either way, OMG! It’s Avril Lavigne in a bikini and it’s so not complicated, somehow this bitch manages to turn you into half retarded adults who wish they were the skater boy in her songs, the Sum41 weirdo she left for a Kardashian stepbrother….and here is the pic….

Avril Lavigne Bikini Pictures of the Day January 4th, 2011