Katie Price Classy Like A Hatted Twat at the Ascot Races of the Day

All the classy, rich, connected and exclusive people on my facebook go to the ascot races, so it is only fitting that these pictures of Katie Price aka Jordan aka the girl with the dumbest fucking tits to ever be made into a brand that trashy as fuck people in the UK eat the fuck up like she ate the fuck up the black pussy in the sex tape she released before having a black pussy of her own in the form of a handicapped baby due to punishment for being such a vile human, dressed like she was going to the races made sense…

You see, whenever I think of class….I think of Katie Price…well whenever I think of UK white trash as a class, living in their caravans craving the newest shitty product to tease their stripper daughter’s hair I think of Katie Price….so these pics make no fucking sense..

But luckily, this is Katie Price and he wholesome shit didn’t last, she’ll never let me down…with these tits….

Katie Price Classy Like A Hatted Twat at the Ascot Races of the Day February 25th, 2011