Kylie Minogue Playin Out Some Kinf of Fetish on Stage of the Day

Here’s some Kylie Minogue in some weird Star Wars Roman Empire looking costume that I assume some of you nerd virgin losers are into. You know Sci/Fi fantasy shit…that brings back memories of you fisting yourself to Kid Icarus as you tried to save the world from evil while everyone else you knew was out hanging with their friends on the weekend and not sitting at home with their mom eating oreos while taking breaks from their Nintendo…

I’m posting it to show that breast cancer doesn’t slow a bitch down or rob her of her feminity and sex appeal, bitch can hustle her old lady shit in a way that makes me want to knock her up….or at least try.

Kylie Minogue Playin Out Some Kinf of Fetish on Stage of the Day March 28th, 2011