Jennifer Hudson is Less Fat than Christina Aguilera of the Day

Sucks to be Christina Aguliera….

I mean sure she looks like shit and has been laughed at for being a dumpy pig the last year or more, and sure she’s a mom and moms have a right to be fatter than chicks with unused wombs, but no matter any way you look at it, it always sucks when a fat chick who is known for being fat is skinnier than you, even if that fat chick spent the last year on a treadmill, eating salad, and getting her stomach stapled, shit doesn’t matter, cuz in everyone’s mind, the newly skinny fat chick is still fat, including in the mind of the newly fat chick, making the whole thing a depressing, sloppy mess that I wish involved a pool full of pudding to see who eats their way out of it fastest while wrestling each other to the death, Hudson’s got muscles and drive, while Aguilera’s got girth and size….both probably unable to focus on the match at hand, cuz both would be too busy stuffing their fat chick faces….cuz fat chicks are all the same when it comes to food….They love to eat it…whether they puke it up or accpept their fat chick fate or not….if you know what I mean.

Mary J Blige Brought her tits to the event, they weren’t really worthy of a post of their own, but figure that as unsexy as they may be, they are better than comparing fat chicks and their fatness…..cuz fat chicks are for late drunk nights when in need of a blowjob.

Jennifer Hudson is Less Fat than Christina Aguilera of the Day May 2nd, 2011