Kate Upton’s Gonna Be Fat but for Now She’s Hot of the Day

I don’t know much, but I know how young pussy ages and I am going to say there is a 98 percent chance this Kate Upton chick is going to be the next Kirstie Alley, provided she doesn’t give into her barnyard eating habits that are just instinctive….

So take it in while you can….cuz the shape of her ass, the sloppiness of her tits, the thickness in her skinny ankles are all gonna catch up to her, but at least she was smart enough to make money off the shit while it was there, unlike all the hot girls I knew who just went on to get married and fat while wasting their prime on school and long term relationships…

Who really cares where she’s going, it’s about celebrating where she is today, with her big young tits in some animal print, something that speaks to me ever since deciding I want to be an exotic animal smuggler or bitches dressed like exotic animal smuggler when I grow up…..even if I am already grown up….a man’s allowed to dream, isn’t he?

Kate Upton’s Gonna Be Fat but for Now She’s Hot of the Day May 13th, 2011