Audrina Fake Tits in a Bikini Celebrate their 8th Birthday and her 26 Birthday of the Day

A friend of mine recently hand an encounter with Audrina Patridge, the drunken white trash cunt with a hot body, who is relatively irrelevant, other than the fact that she got on TV once and has a hot body, and I figure his first hand account of how awful a human she is, is probably a better support to these pictures of her hot body celebrating her 26th birthday, cuz as much as I can act like I hate a cunt or be annoyed by a cunt, ultimately, I don’t know the cunt and have never experienced a cunt, and the only thing I’ve know about the cunt, is that I like looking at the cunt naked, half naked, in see through outfits or really anyway the cunt decides to present itself, or anyway her dad decides to present her, with the fake tits he got her at 18 for her birthday, making her tits 8 years old, a great year for fake tits that he planned on using for just this purpose, to get noticed, otherwise, she’d never woulda got on TV, and I probably wouldn’t waste my time focusing on how horrible a person she is..and Wet Republic in Vegas wouldn’t bother hosting her party and making a spectacle of the whole thing for media attention, cuz trust me, they aren’t doing this bikini pool party for Precious, and she’s on TV and has big tits, and there’s a simple reason for that, and that’s that the general public doesn’t wanna Precious in her bikini cuz she’s disgusting looking, and it doesn’t really reflect the message this cheesy fucking club is tryign to get across,… not that it matters…

So this is what he had to say about the Patridge family:

I’ve never encountered someone less interesting who feels more entitled to everything than this stupid cunt and her stupid cunt family and the parasites hanging on around her. It’s as if a family of retarded drunkards won the lottery.

If her mother weren’t such an awful person, I would feel sorry for her. She used to get by on her looks. Now they’re fading. Her daughter is more famous and “prettier” than she ever was and certainly ever will be. She tries to dull the horror by getting completely shitfaced and acting like she’s 23 but ends up looking like a pathetic old drunk lady. She has that raspy old drunk lady voice.

The father looks like moe from the three stooges.

Sounds like my kind of people. I may be in love.

To See THe REst of the Pictures her Getting Paid to Attend a Free Birthday to Make the Club Seem Like It Attracts Hollywood Every Day of the Week….

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Audrina Fake Tits in a Bikini Celebrate their 8th Birthday and her 26 Birthday of the Day May 16th, 2011