Summer Glau Flexible in a Leotard for The Cape of the Day

I don’t know who Summer Glau is, but I know she’s flexible enough for me….

Then again, the last time I fucked a girl who could get off the couch on her own was a decade ago, so I’ve got pretty low expectations when it comes to flexibility…

Apparently she has a following of virgin losers thanks to shitty gigs in shitty TV shows that gat canceled, but here she is in some shit called The Cape, wearing a leotard, doing some gynmastic shit, and as far as I’m concerned….I’m down.

She also did some Tyler Shields, fake artist photographer to the stars, video that sucks, cuz that’s just how Tyler Shields works….wearing similar outfit…cuz I guess that’s her hustle…

Here are the pics…

Summer Glau Flexible in a Leotard for The Cape of the Day June 1st, 2011