Liv Tyler Models Lingerie of the Day

You know how it is when your dad denies being your dad all your life and eventually he is forced to accept responsibility….and in doing that he gives you a few acting gigs, calls on a few favors to a few friends cuz he’s a massive playing in the Entertainment industry, hoping the whole neglecting her her whole life blows over and his guilty conscious disappears, allowing him to go on with life with his other illegit kids…but I guess daddy issues don’t die easy cuz bitch at 40, with a family of her own and a lot of money to pay for therapists, is still doing the whole fucking cry for attention cuz daddy doesn’ love me by releasing nudes or semi-nudes cuz maybe some dude will….unless this is strictly a career move, like how her groupie mom got knocked up by a celebrity like some groupie trash looking for a paycheck….


Liv Tyler Models Lingerie of the Day June 6th, 2011