Look how good Selena Gomez is at holding the mic….
Assuming that Selena Gomez is actually having sex, or sucking off Justin Beaver, and this is not just some weird partnership cuz they have the same PR team and management and figure it’ll be good for business to teen romance these fucking pieces of shit that are ruining little girls everywhere….
Then Selena Gomez is officially the Sex Offender of the Day…which is almost ironic, considering how many dudes just two years ago were sex offending because their daughters forced them to watch Selena Gomez in concert or on TV or whatever the fuck she did to get where she is, leading them to take up coaching soccer or swimming or roofies at their daughter sleepovers….
But I’m still thinking Beaver is gay for Usher Raymond and Gomez is a front to divert from the real sex offenders, but I do wish she got arrested and made an example out of, since I’ve heard of dudes go down for fucking 17 year olds in America….but when she does it, it’s all good….
Where is the fucking justice in that…..here’s Selena Gomez Sex Offending Slut.