I was tempted to dig through the internet and find all kinds of naked pics of this Shera Bechard chick who is playing Hugh Hefner’s “Rebound”….but then I realized I’d just be giving Playboy free press on their stupid marketing campaign that kinda lost its appeal when dude turned 80 and the idea of him dating hookers who were or wanted to be in his magazine was pretty much obvious…and boring…
I mean shit, the Playboy models are tacky, trashy, fake titty and all that shit….they look like strippers or hookers that you could marry if you had enough money….and this is all part of a campaign to get Playboy noticed and written about….that would be better if they used girls who didn’t look like hookers or strippers…
Seriously. This is all efforts to get people talking…and people are talking as if it is a legitimate thing…and that’s just idiotic on all of your part…it’s an act, a lie, a story, not really his girlfriend but his employee pretending to be to make him money….and the whole thing pisses me off…THis isn’t impressive….