Kate Moss’s Soon to Be Pregnant Ass in Shorts of the Day

Kate Moss is getting married this weekend, cuz that’s what people with STDs do when they find another person with STDs to settle down with. It’s the whole premise of the Meet People with Herpes website…cuz no one wants to deal with that embarrassment when it comes to fucking unprotected on the first date when drunk….but then again…this is Kate Moss and it has been public knowledge for a long time that she has unprotected sex with rockers who share needles and fuck groupies….it’s also public knowledge that she’s got a kid and has probably been down this wedding route before…and it’s also public knowledge that I think she’s great, even in her old dirty pussy age, and I’d love to get tonsil deep during an outbreak. True Story.

I’d love to be at this wedding…Mountains of cocaine, orgies of models….I wonder why I wasn’t invited…oh right, cuz I’m a nobody…Yay me…fuck them, I’ll make my own model cocaine party, without models or cocaine, but a model cocaine party nevertheless…

Either way, here is her pregnant or soon to be pregnant, provided they let people with HIV get pregnant assuming she has HIV ass. Pretty boring pics considering what we’re used to from Kate Moss….bitches always tone it down when marriage comes….

Kate Moss’s Soon to Be Pregnant Ass in Shorts of the Day June 29th, 2011