If you’re like me and hit up funerals with open caskets on the regular, then you’ve found yourself saying, “why did they put her in this dress, she should be naked in here, or at least wearing lingering or a bikini, so that she can go rot 6 feet under, without the constricting conservative clothes, maybe in something a little more free feeling”….but no matter how many funerals you go to, the bitches are never half naked, in bikinis or lingerie, not even the stripper funeral you went to, or even the fucking surfer chick you thought you won the open casket lottery on, cuz surfers live for the wave, and in turn live in the bikini”….well look no further, cuz Janice Dickinson has single handedly met our needs….a rotting corpse kept alive by some voodoo spell in a bikini…doing the monster mash…like the zombie she is…