The Useless Cast of 90210 on the Beach of the DAy

These bitches are the bottom of the fucking barrel. I mean I met one of them at a party accidentally once and I had no idea that bitch was even on a TV show….She may feel like she’s all celebrity cuz she gets stupid paychecks, but take the fact that the average person doesn’t know you, especially a fat drunk who posts celeb pics all day for the last 7 years, has no fucking clue who you are….and turn it around via showing the world your bottom feeding pussy…whether in playboy, twitter, a leak scandal, whatever…cuz this 90210 shit must be on its last legs, you the past cast of The Hills is still more famous than you, it’s the kind of shit that could make a celeb kill themselves, but why kill yourself when you can take your future into your own hands and fuck on camera and email it to me to put on blast…Come on girls…step your game up. You useless pieces of trash….

The Useless Cast of 90210 on the Beach of the DAy July 13th, 2011