Sara Jean Underwood Comicon Press Tour Continues of the Day

I don’t see why nerds get excited seeing a stripper bitch posing in costumes of comic book characters they are addicted to…I mean maybe she humanizes their fantasies of a bitch they must know doesn’t actually exist, but this is the closest they’ll get to it, until making their nerd millions inventing something, on to be able to find dumb bitches who never noticed them before to wear whatever they are told cuz they are into the perks of marrying a millionaire nerd….

Especially when a quick google search gets me pics of her naked like this:

See cuz I’m more about the pussy than the nerd costume…cuz I like having sex with women and not with comic books…I’m weird like that….

Sara Jean Underwood Comicon Press Tour Continues of the Day July 15th, 2011