Katie Holmes Shitty Alien Bikini Pics of the Day

Here’s some space ship alien worshipping bitch in her bikini in the pool pretty much not showing off anything erotic that is probably only kinda hot to creepy peepers who have a thing for stalking bitches swimming in their pool from a balcony…you know the kind of guy who hits up hotels and resorts with a pool view so they can jerk off on the balcony as they look down at the blurry half naked swimming body….you know a weird fetish, even for people like me, but I find sex appeal in pretty much anything and under any circumstance…especially when half naked bitches who once had great tits are involved…it is a talent at least that’s what I wrote on my America Has Talent application…that they have yet to respond to….

IF you want to see the hot full body bikini pics….which you do….


Katie Holmes Shitty Alien Bikini Pics of the Day July 18th, 2011