Hilary Duff Rockin’ Her Pregnancy of the Day

I’m making a habit of documenting Hilary Duff’s uterus fatness, because I’m as shocked as the next guy about this whole pregnancy, not cuz girls who grow up before their time thanks to pervert executives and their de-virginizing fingers always like to start families of their own to exploit as they don’t know how to actually love, but think they do, cuz actors are good at lying….see she’s already rich and established in her career, she’s used to all the media attention and most importantly she’s married…I’m just shocked cuz I’m convinced her husband is a homojock who only does her up the ass….explaining all the muscles she developed post marrying him…making me think this may be someone else’s baby but I’ve been wrong about these things before….

When all is said and done it’s nice to know that you can’t knock her up if ever you had the chance to date rape her, since she’s already pregnant, even though she’s the kind of girl you’d want to knock up cuz she comes with the good life.

Hilary Duff Rockin’ Her Pregnancy of the Day August 30th, 2011