Kim Kardashian’s Tight Dress of the Day

I hate on Kim Kardashian for being fat all the time, only because she’s got a dumpy body and she’s all smoke and mirrors.

I bring up the fact that she’s a pornstar because of her sex tape that launched her career, only because the general public eat up her bullshit, like she eats up cake at the all you can eat dessert cart, or even as much as she eats up all that black man urine, and I like to remind everyone of the truth…the inspired by Paris Hilton to be the next Paris Hilton truth, that has made her 100 million dollars or more….doing this hustle…when really she should be in the back VIP Room, hip hop dancing, snorting lines off black hip hop cock…living off her trust fun, not providing for the other trust fund trash….but the truth is that Kim Kardashian has made me over 1000 dollars…which is like a million dollars to the average guy by comparisson….so she has provided for me too and for that I got no choice but to love her and apprecaite her body of work…even if I don’t really appreciate her body…or her work….who cares…

Kim Kardashian’s Tight Dress of the Day September 15th, 2011