Miley Cyrus Hot Bikini Pics of the Day

Here are some pics of Miley in her bikini, fucking around with her boyfriend, crying for attention from the hired paparazzi who are likely paying her to make this almost natural event look like it isn’t staged…..If this was a few years ago, I’m sure the pics would be more interesting, cuz when she was underage and coming into herself, she was a lot more fun and better at playing with the media using her sexuality…..but as soon as she turned 18, that all changed and she faded into obscurity, cuz that’s just the power of being 17, illegal and jailbait…there’s a reason Youtube and REddit have jailbait sections and that is that oppressed Americans who can’t fuck 16 year olds, still want to real bad…..and who really cares….I figured she’d have a sex tape by now, showing off all she learned at Disney but I guess at least she’s in a bikini….cuz Bikinis are magical.

TO See The Rest of the Pics….


Miley Cyrus Hot Bikini Pics of the Day October 14th, 2011