Lindsay Lohan Has Great Tits of the Day

Here’s some Lindsay Lohan, possible meth addict, probably heroin addict, definite cracker I love….all hard plastic faced like the stripper begging for a lap dance cuz she bought her fake lips and botox on credit card and she needs to pay the shit off or her doctor’s gonna remove her implants…..something that will never happen to Lohan cuz she’s rich…and even the most angry surgeon wouldn’t ruin whatever’s going on with her hot tear drop shaped tits…that I’m convinced are fake cuz they look so firm and nice as the rest of her has fallen apart….street walkin’….

I love her.

Here’s Lohan heading to court for violating some bullshit that won’t get her locked up looking like a zombie….two weeks before halloween cuz she’s a first mover, trendsetter like that…maybe it’s a self fulfilling prophecy….cuz she sees death in her near future…I’m just hoping I get the chance to save her first…

Lindsay Lohan Has Great Tits of the Day October 19th, 2011