Julianne Hough Titties in a Dress of the Day

Julianne Hough. Ryan Seacrests new project who he pretends he is dating to cover up his gay in the public eye, since people don’t like gays in middle America and he’s the new Dick Clark and needs to cater to everyone and can’t afford to have no one watch his wholesome programming he produces, that is far worse that homosexuality, like “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” if they knew….or maybe I’m wrong…maybe we don’t live in a society of gay hating like Rock Hudson did, but maybe the only person who hates gays and can’t embrace gays is Seacrest himself….but I figure anyone with frosted hair has got to be more into getting prostate massages with real penis than the strap-on he forces Julianne Hough to use in efforts to launch her career, but maybe he just hasn’t accepted that yet….

Seaking of Prostate…never tell a girl you want to fuck that her dad’s not a real man cuz cancer took his prostate and prostate is the defining organ of male even more so than a penis, and don’t try to prove your point with an analogy like a penis without a prostate is like a car without an engine…..cuz she will end up hating you…

Either way, here’s Julianne Hough not nearly naked enough, dating Seacrest makes her less inclined to do the natural whore steps to get to a place she wants to be, by going through the places we want her to be…all sex tape and vagina exposed….and you’d think even with Seacrest she would got there since it worked so well for him with Kim Kardashian making him millions…but really who fucking cares..

Julianne Hough Titties in a Dress of the Day October 28th, 2011