Ashley Greene Push Up Bra Helps Her Blue Dress of the Day

Ashley Greene is rocking a seriously intense push-up bra…the kind that makes her tits look like implants, even though you know a girl who rides off a shitty movie targeted to teen girls to masturbate to in her career, when pretending to not ride the Jonas brothers for the same target market in her personal life, all wholesome and Jesus loving for the sake of moneymaking…wouldn’t get implants….but why worry about that when you can stare at what her work-out obsessed body would look like with implants…something that’s usually better than the real thing, since implants fucking suck and ruin tits…..Too bad she’s a Jesus lover and not a Jesus Martinez lover….Cuz I’d like to have a religious experience all over her face…if you know what I mean…Good times….

Ashley Greene Push Up Bra Helps Her Blue Dress of the Day November 3rd, 2011