Katherine Heigl Man Handled Hooker at the Animal Shelter of the Day

These are some funny pictures of sloppy bodied, usually dumpy and unshowered with a cunt who thinks she is hot and can’t be bothered face, all unattractive amd Katherine Heigl who I hate for no reason other than that she’s been marketed, or presented as a sex symbol of some sort, and that label has got to her head, and she believes the shit, when I just think she’s a poster girl for why you should have an eating disorder….or at least why you need to suck dick to get ahead, cuz so many girls much hotter than her, aren’t living her life, cuz they don’t have that rigt attitude…not that it matters…because today, she oddly, out of character, got into whore clothes instead of her regular period, can’t be bothered clothes ….to hit up the animal shelter…and that makes no fuckin sense. White gogo boots and all…what the fuck.

Katherine Heigl Man Handled Hooker at the Animal Shelter of the Day November 7th, 2011