Keira Knightley Tits in a Movie of the Day

So Keira Knightley shows some tit in a movie called A Dangerous Method that hasn’t been released here yet…’s the plot….

Set on the eve of World War I, A Dangerous Method is based on the turbulent relationships between fledgling psychiatrist Carl Jung, his mentor Sigmund Freud, and Sabina Spielrein, the troubled but beautiful young woman who comes between them.

Sure, we’ve seen her tits before, but let’s hope this movie gets a littler more hardcore, not because I’m necessarily a Keira Knightley fan, but because I am a naked celebrity fan…and the movie is made by David Cronenberg, who is behind Crash, a movie I’ve jerked off to at least once, I mean fucking in cars as you crash them is exhilerating shit especially when it hit theaters in 1996, years before internet smut took over and those NC-17 movies and old national geographics were all we had………

TO See The Clip


Keira Knightley Tits in a Movie of the Day November 11th, 2011