Kardashian Jailbait Pole Dancing of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on here but it is clearly the Kardashian mom whoring out her second string of daughters she exploits for personal gain, by enrolling her in pole dancing classes, to generate any controversy or attention she can….one step away from a teenage sex tape…

I find these pics inspiring cuz I never thought that maybe teen girls enroll in the shit…I just assumed it was all old bitches who were looking for ways to sex up their bodies for sex or maybe to impress their stripper addicted husbands to see them as sex objects too…..but now pole dancing class takes a whole new meaning….strippers in training…and/..I think I’m gonna just have to join the shit or at least stare through the window…cuz teen strippers are pornographic even when they stay clothed.

Kardashian Jailbait Pole Dancing of the Day December 22nd, 2011