I don’t get invited to events…especailly not celebrity events…and if I was I doubt I’d go…even though crashing these things would probably put the site on the map…making me almost question my laziness…before remembering the site isn’t even considered PRESS or MEDIA if anything I’m a red flag and on the list of people not allowed in….bringing flashbacks of neglect when I was growing up and not invited to all the parties and dances cuz I was the loser who didn’t fit in…and that would make me sad, or angry or seek revenge…if I had emotion…or pride…or really even cared about much…or more importantly if I had a pussy…but instead I just focus on what’s important…the pussy.
Either way, Alba and Romijn were at this event….and sure, they both look a little tired….a little older…a little more adult and motherly…but they both are still hot enough for me to stare at…especially when Alba wears her gothic, PVC, Leather, Mesh top dress that looks like she’s ready to get cummed all over in a fetish flick….and while Rebecca Romijn proves getting knocked up by the kid from “My Secret Identity” doesn’t have to ruin your 40 year old model ass or legs like marrying John Stamos ruined her dignity….
Here are the pics…