Codie Young Showing Tit in Lingerie for Black Magazine of the Day

This is my first post on size zero model Codie Young…who is in this great photoshoot in the cemetery like a goth for something called Black Magazine…that she’s in panties and more importantly showing nipple in…which is standard for fashion models…but not so standard for 18 year old fashion models…cuz it usually takes a couple of years in the industry to realize you get no where without showing tit…and her fast moving, mature take on her work…while other 18 year olds are only showing tit for their boyfriends…and her willingness to get that picture for her careeer, cuz flashing tits is fun regardless of getting paid for it, especially when you are doing it in such a classy, artistic and respectful way…at least that’s what you tell youself…while the end conclusion still remains….that I still get to see titty….and now so do you…

Codie Young Showing Tit in Lingerie for Black Magazine of the Day January 16th, 2012