Miley Cyrus Stupid Tattoo of the Day

“Love Never Dies” is the tattoo that I am pretty sure she didn’t cross-reference that statement with her dad and mom during their lengthy divorce before being all teen rebel and doing stupidity for her boyfriend who she will probably get knocked up by in the next 6 months if she’s not already pregnant…..typical white trash country girl behavior….

What I find a little unsettling is how needy and love obsessed this bitch is…last month I posted her in concert preaching some about her life purpose being to spread the message of love and her twitter says: “I am human and I need to be loved.” and now this tattoo…She’s some needy emo bitch with some serious voids she needs filled…unfortunately…she’s not needy or daddy issued enough to put that being filled on tape for us to all get down to….She makes me feel uncomfortable…

Miley Cyrus Stupid Tattoo of the Day February 20th, 2012